
Health & Wellness

This is a 12-week, small-group program designed for adult cancer survivors who have become chronically fatigued or de-conditioned from treatment and disease. The program is offered without cost to the participants. For more information, contact your local Y branch.

  • FREE 12-week YMCA Family Membership
  • Two 75-minute classes per week
  • Full access to the YMCA seven days per week
  • Improve energy levels and self-esteem
  • Build muscle mass and strength
  • Increase flexibility and endurance
  • Improve functional ability to do everyday tasks
Program Qualifications
  • Personally commit to attending all classes
  • Inform their physician of their plan to join the program
  • Give permission for YMCA staff to call physician or person giving treatment when necessary
  • Complete our screening forms and a health questionnaire
  • This class is recommended for individuals who have finished their cancer treatment recently or are survivors looking to regain health and improve their quality of life.


This 12-month program helps overweight adults at risk for type 2 diabetes reduce their risk of developing the disease by taking steps to improve their overall health and well-being. Participants work together in a small group facilitated by a trained Y Lifestyle Coach to achieve the program goals of reducing individual weight by 5-7 percent and building up to 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.

The $600 program fee includes a free Y membership! Waiting lists are forming for new cohorts starting in Fall 2024 and Winter 2025. Classes are offered in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

To find out more about the program, contact Rutchell at rcharleus@ymcasc.org.

You may have heard YMCA Southcoast’s very own Lisa Rahn on Fun 107 recently, discussing the program. If not, check out her interview here!

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